Thursday, November 18, 2010

Book Giveaway at The Modest Mom's Blog

Visit "The Modest Mom" Blog and enter to win Large Family Logistics:  The Art and Science of Managing the Large Family.  This is one of the best homemaking books I have read in a LONG time.  Kim Brenneman breaks home making down into easy steps to help you manage any size home.  Those that know me know I am a fairly organized person but I have found SO MUCH in this book this is helping me improve what I already do plus start some new stuff.  For example, her chapter on "Office Day" has been such a blessing.  I have so much office/paper work that needs attention but never seem to stay on top of it.  While I have a laundry day and a cleaning day, I had never thought of arranging my schedule to have an office day each week.  Yesterday was my first one and it was wonderful.  I took the time to focus on what I needed to do each week, each month, and goals to complete when I can devote possibly two days to the office.  Two days will only happen if Saturdays allow or we are having a homeschool break. 

This is just a small example of how this book can benefit the lives of a busy mom--whether you have ten kids or one.  I plan to do more detail posts explaining how I do things and how the book has helped me improve.  For now, head over to "The Modest Mom" and enter her giveaway.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Answers to "Do You Know?"

Finally, I am updating the blog.  It's a lazy morning around here and I am taking the time to catch up on some stuff.

So, let's see if I can remember the eight things without looking!!  1) to be sober, 2) to love your children, 3) to love your husband, 4) discrete, 5) chaste, 6) good, 7) keeper at home, 8) obey your husband.  Whew!! I was worried I would not remember them!  Why is it important for us to teach these things to younger women?--Titus 2:5 says "that the word of God be not blasphemed".

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Do You Know?

I have debated for a period of time what my first post would be. My thoughts keep coming back to this. So here it goes--

Two or three months ago, I decided to see how many women could name the eight items (without looking) from Titus 2: 3-5 that we, as Christian women, are suppose to teach the younger women and why God said we should teach these things. Surprisingly, I found only one woman that could name them. Of all the Christian women I know, only ONE. Many did not even respond. Realizing this, I challenged those I came in contact with to write these things on their hearts. If we don't know them, we will miss opportunities to teach the younger women.

So now I ask DO YOU KNOW? Do you know, without looking, the eight items (KJV) in Titus 2:3-5 that you, as a Christian woman, are responsible for teaching younger women who are not spiritually mature? Also, DO YOU KNOW why God says we are to teach these things? Even if you do not know all eight, please list the ones you do know. It is very interesting finding out what people think God put in these scriptures. If you don't know them, after answering, I challenge you to look up the answer because someday, out of the blue, I will ask again to see who has wrote them in their hearts.
Have a blessed day in the Lord, Laura

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Checking. . . .

Just seeing if I can actually get this to work.