Thursday, November 18, 2010

Book Giveaway at The Modest Mom's Blog

Visit "The Modest Mom" Blog and enter to win Large Family Logistics:  The Art and Science of Managing the Large Family.  This is one of the best homemaking books I have read in a LONG time.  Kim Brenneman breaks home making down into easy steps to help you manage any size home.  Those that know me know I am a fairly organized person but I have found SO MUCH in this book this is helping me improve what I already do plus start some new stuff.  For example, her chapter on "Office Day" has been such a blessing.  I have so much office/paper work that needs attention but never seem to stay on top of it.  While I have a laundry day and a cleaning day, I had never thought of arranging my schedule to have an office day each week.  Yesterday was my first one and it was wonderful.  I took the time to focus on what I needed to do each week, each month, and goals to complete when I can devote possibly two days to the office.  Two days will only happen if Saturdays allow or we are having a homeschool break. 

This is just a small example of how this book can benefit the lives of a busy mom--whether you have ten kids or one.  I plan to do more detail posts explaining how I do things and how the book has helped me improve.  For now, head over to "The Modest Mom" and enter her giveaway.

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